Irrigation Installation
We start with a complete survey of the area you are planning to irrigate. While we prefer to meet with homeowners for this step, it is not absolutely necessary for you to be there, so if you need a quote but are not available to meet, please just let us know what you would like to do and we can take care of the rest.
All of our installations come complete with Hunter rain sensors, typically PRO-C controllers, I-20 heads, MP Rotator nozzles, fittings, etc. and are piped in 1″ poly pipe. We use the latest technologies from established brand leaders to ensure your new system is making the most of your investment.
In order to tie into your homes watersource you will require a backflow device installed. All of our backflows are professionally installed by a licensed plumber, and it will be included on your quote as separate item.
We take care to do minimal damage to your landscape in the course of our installations. We use ditch witch pipe pullers which make a small slice in your lawn and lay the pipe 6-12 inches underground. Any damage to the lawn will typically heal within 3 weeks to a month.